Those Crazy Feminists Are At It Again: What is feminism?

Jacky Fleming


I have to be honest, when I was first brainstorming where I wanted this whole blog to go, I had the brief idea that I wanted to avoid the term “feminism” because of all the negative connotations that are out there. I was afraid that the term might scare a few readers away.

When most people hear the word “feminism” they usually associate it with the “definition” that Pat Robertson, television evangelist and former Baptist minister said at a GOP convention in 1992, that says feminism is “about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians.”

Although this exact image may not always manifest in someone’s mind, they usually have an image of a radical, angry, bitter woman, who is no stranger to body hair.

In actuality, a feminist is an individual who believes in the equality of the sexes socially, economically, and politically. Feminism is not about women leaving their families, killing their babies, or performing witchcraft. It is about creating a more peaceful and just world for everyone. This includes people of every race, gender, and sexual orientation. I’ve had a few people tell me, “well it seems to me that feminists want to create more inequality by saying they are superior to men.” This is not the case. Female feminists do not consider themselves superior to men at all. That would defeat the entire concept of equality. In order to correct generations of injustice and oppression we must pick up the slack to even the playing field.

Let me paint you an example. Say you are playing tug-of-war and there is a flag tied to the middle of the rope indicating which side is winning based on the side that the flag is on. The other team is beating you and the flag is on their side. In order to bring the flag back to the middle so that both sides are equal, you will have to pull a little harder than the opposing team. If you pull just as hard as the other team, the flag will stay stagnant with no movement at all.

In order to create change in a society that has proved itself not easily persuaded, you must make some radical efforts.

We live in a world that if a woman is raped or sexually assaulted, she is asked what she was wearing or if she was drinking. It is more common for society to blame the victim than they are to blame the rapist (PS no one is ever asking to be raped. That is why it is non-consensual). If a man is assaulted, no such questions are asked.

We live in a world where men are pressured to always be the macho protector and is seen as weak or called names like “pussy” or “bitch” if they show any emotion. This is destructive to men because it dehumanizes them, saying that they are not allowed to have normal human feelings, and we all know what happens to people who bottle up their emotions.

We live in a world where if a woman does not sleep with a man or accept his advances, she is seen as a tease or a prude (And also puts herself at risk for murder or assault if she rejects him) and if she does accept his requests, she is called a slut or a whore.

We live in a world where men are raised and molded by society to believe that women are the biggest “prize” they can achieve. That their biggest goal in life is to get the pretty girl. This limits men from so many other things that they can accomplish and strive for in life within themselves.

I hear way too often from men, “Not all men treat women that way! So why should we be feminist?”

Not all men are misogynistic, entitled, rapists. However, every woman has a story of injustice done to her by a man. Whether it be a sexual assault, harassment, stalking, or verbal abuse. As human beings, we should join the fight whenever we hear that anyone is being mistreated. So I challenge you men: Not all men are guilty of the mistreatment of women, but what can you do to stand by us to create a more just and equal world?

We need feminism because woman and men deserve more. We all deserve better. And the only way to get there, is if we work together. We as humans need to respect each other and raise each other up in times of oppression. And right now, we need to unite more than ever.

There have been no wars in the name of feminism. We stand for education, gender equality, safer working conditions, childcare, rape crisis centers. For women to be treated like human beings.

I long for the day where I don’t have to hear another woman say,

“I’m not a feminist but…”

Or a man say,

“I can’t be a feminist! I’m a guy!”

No one should be ashamed or ridiculed for being a feminist. Being a feminist is not limited to race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. If you believe in the equality of all human beings, you are a feminist.

So I ask you, if you are not a feminist, what’s your excuse?

Until next time,

A Proud Feminist

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